Friday, June 3, 2011

So you think you can Dance? My personal interactions with Jericho the Stallion
So we were just taking a quick drive up the trunk road from our house, just to see if there was any mustangs, elk or especially bears out scavenging through the campgrounds which were littered with garbage, spent shells & cartridges, and freshly used campfire sites. Imagine my surprise when this large stud was around the corner, literally just inside the park boundary!
He was very agitated, and very aggressive, coming at me to show me he means business. We went back and forth for about 20 minutes, until he relaxed to graze and I continued on my way after getting a couple great shots of his mares & yearling.
Ever get the feeling that you're being watched?
We were able to find a couple different mini-herds of 2-3 horses. Including this one grazing at the gravel pits...

There was a huge difference in the horses' attitude towards me this time...they were extremely flighty and it was very very hard to gain their trust. Based on this and the fact that the herds had been broken into very small mini-herds, I am deducting that they endured a lot of harassment and chasing over the last couple weekends but ATV and OHV users that think its fun to chase and antagonize them. With all of the spent shells and cartridges in the many campsites and also in the gravel pits and staging areas, I worry that they were more than chased.
The Youth are Our Future
I lucked out and came upon a small familiar herd, and lo and behold the big mare had finally popped!
This beautiful baby was very curious and willing to approach, and gave me some wonderful shots. She was happily bouncing around, driving her brothers and sisters crazy with her antics.

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